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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering, 5th (ICACTE 2012)
Xie Yi
Xie Yi
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ASME Press
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With the rapid development of computer technology, the information technologies centered with computer multimedia technology and network technology have gained wide attention and application in the education field. The integration of Information technology and curriculum has become a hot issue in the current education research. Physics, as a basic subject of natural science, has a very important position, and even the college physics subject is a compulsory course in the colleges of Science and engineering. So it is a topic worthy study that how to introduce the information technology into the college physics teaching, so as to promote the improvement of students’ professional learning effect and information technology capabilities as well as foster their cooperative consciousness and initiative spirit. This paper guided with theory of learning, discussed about the application of information technology in the college physics course by using research methods, expanded the theoretical foundation of the integration between information technology and curriculum, and also approached their integration models in detail.

1. Introduction
2. The Current Status of Multimedia Technology’s Application in College Physics Teaching
3. The Design of Class Teaching Modes
4. The Design of Network Interactive Self-Learning Mode
5. Conclusion
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