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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering, 5th (ICACTE 2012)
Xie Yi
Xie Yi
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ASME Press
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Data warehouses are one of the most important systems for organizations nowadays. Building Data warehouse is a Challenging work, making good choice requires understanding of the two main data warehousing models Inmon’s and Kimball’s approaches, we will preview both approaches and the main comparative studies showing similarities and differences. This paper shows that we can balance between both by concentrating on user understandability and by returning to DSS field the common reference discipline for the two approaches, taking XPDSS as a balanced methodology, then it present a case study of CRM Data warehouse for Airlines FFP systems.

1. Introduction
2. Problem and Scope
3. Comparative Studies
4. Importance of DSS Field
5. Evaluation and Case Study:
6. Conclusion
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