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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Instrumentation, Measurement, Circuits and Systems (ICIMCS 2011)
Chen Ming
Chen Ming
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ASME Press
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Aiming at the problems that traditional stereo matching algorithm has its drawbacks of low matching accuracy and poor real time in low texture regions and occluded portions, this paper presents a new fast stereo matching algorithm. First, the image is divided into different segments of a single color, calculating the initial disparity. Then the plane parameters of each segment are computed only using reliable pixels, and in accordance with the characteristics of unreliable points, construct a new segment matching cost for group neighboring segments. Finally the scope of the initial disparity is used as a constraint term of the global energy function, the energy function is globally minimized using graph cuts. The experimental results show that the algorithm has a better performance in low texture regions and occluded portions, and has high accuracy and real time.

Stereo Matching Algorithm Based on Image Segmentation
The Algorithm
Experimental Results
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