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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Instrumentation, Measurement, Circuits and Systems (ICIMCS 2011)
Chen Ming
Chen Ming
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ASME Press
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Use of Electric Vehicles is increasing due to zero carbon emission, its sustainability and energy saving capability. This paper compares performance, efficiency and reliability of different motors which can be used as drive train of electricvehicles. Performance of Induction Motors, Brushed DC Motors, Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motors, Switched Reluctance Motors and their respective controller have been simulated. Merits and demerits of each system have been highlighted. Performance of BLDC and switched reluctance motors as in-wheel motors under normal and critical conditions are compared. The paper also covers the additional benefits of integration of BLDC motor-drive systems with inbuilt adaptation of control and self fault diagnosis in-wheel systems.

Intelligent Electric Vehicle
Drive Train of EV
Simulated Results and Selection of Drive
Torque Versus Speed Characteristics
Output Power to Size Ratio
Control Requirments
Fault Detection, Diagnosis and Prevention
BLDC Vs Switched Reluctance
Motor Characteristics Under Normal Condition
Motor Characteristics Under Critical Condition
Transient Electric Fault
Vibration and Mechanical Shock
Prospective Objectives
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