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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Instrumentation, Measurement, Circuits and Systems (ICIMCS 2011)
Chen Ming
Chen Ming
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ASME Press
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Multimedia technology Is a comprehensive electronic information technology which developed rapidly. Multimedia technology so far, has been involved in numerous applications such as advertising, art, education, entertainment, engineering, medicine, business and seientific research industries. With a variety of presentation and Interactive features, multimedia technology has played a significant role in teaching area in colleges and universities and become an Important teaching aid. In contrast to the traditional teaching methods which have been unable to meet various studying requirements, multimedia technology and cloud support provide the solid technical foundation for colleges and universities to rearrange teaching resources and accommodate the new self-learningrequirements. Students can be online using phones to choose multi-disciplinary courses, take Independent study and online training to meet their personal interests or personal career development plans. To achieve this objective, colleges and universities need to rearrange the existing teaching resources and Improve the existing multi-media courseware to satisfy such variety of requirements of online self-learning to achieve a successful multimedia application In universities.

Status of Multimedia in Education
Advantages of Multimedia Applied in Education
Multimedia in Self-Learning Exploration
Self-Learning Multimedia Management Issues and Solutions
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