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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Information Technology and Management Engineering (ITME 2011)
W. B. Hu
W. B. Hu
Wuhan University
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W. X. Wang
W. X. Wang
Royal Institute of Technology
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No. of Pages:
ASME Press
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By analyzing the problem of logistics, this paper proposed a new way of dispatching materials on the basis of two-tier distribution center. When dispatching the materials, the side of supplier has to pass through two layers of distribution center to reach the side of demander, otherwise it will be punished. On the basis of establishing the model of four-layer logistics network, which include the sides of supplier and demander, also two layers of distribution center, this paper firstly uses the Dijkstra algorithm to obtained the shortest transport distance between the point of supplier point and the point of demander, and conversion into the balance chart of supply and demand, then it makes use of algorithm which combine the Tabular method and Save-mileage method to solve the model of four-layer logistics network. Experimental results show that the new algorithm can guarantee the least total cost of transportation, at the same time can effectively reduce the number of vehicle scheduling in the process of delivery.

1 Introduction
2 Foundation of Model
3 Combination of Dijkstra, Tabular Method and Saving Mileage Algorithm (D-T-S Algorithm)
4 Experiments and Analysis
5 Acknowledement
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