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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Information Technology and Computer Science, 3rd (ITCS 2011)
V. E. Muhin
V. E. Muhin
National Technical University of Ukraine
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W. B. Hu
W. B. Hu
Wuhan University
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ASME Press
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A kind of image recognition algorithms for recognizing automobile type based on the Supporting Vector Machine (SVM) is studied in the article. “Toll Road Vehicle Classification Passing Charge” is adopted in this dissertation as the vehicle classification standard. First, the vehicle image was extracted from video image using target tracking algorithm. Then this article describes image pretreatment and feature extraction which contains geometry and moment invariant feature based on Freeman Chain Code. Finally the type of the vehicle was obtained using SVM classifier. Besides, comparing with the traditional algorithm, this algorithm utilizes less core functions, has smaller calculate amount, and can resolve such problems as minor sample book, nonlinearity and part fairly good minimal point well. The experiment indicates that the algorithm owing to the Supporting Vector Machine has much better functions.

Support Vector Machine Theory
Freeman Chain Code Description
Vehicle Feature Extraction
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