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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Information Technology and Computer Science, 3rd (ITCS 2011)
V. E. Muhin
V. E. Muhin
National Technical University of Ukraine
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W. B. Hu
W. B. Hu
Wuhan University
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ASME Press
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The relationship between innovation and quality of undergraduate course is always of concerns, of which the parameter estimation and path of impact are especially important and difficult. Firstly, this research structure a SEM by analyzing the factors of the teaching innovation and teaching quality of undergraduate course; secondly, collects the related data by questionnaires; thirdly it processes the data in software AMOS7.0, and analyzes the factors together with the path of impact according to the coefficients; finally, this research proposes some reasonable suggestions that related to teaching innovation and reform of undergraduate course.

Teaching Quality and Innovation for Undergraduate
Structural Equation Model: SEM
A Structural Model for Teaching Innovation and Teaching Quality of Undergraduate Course
Calculate the Index of Path, and Propose Suggestion for Teaching Innovation of Undergraduate Course
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