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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Information Technology and Computer Science, 3rd (ITCS 2011)
V. E. Muhin
V. E. Muhin
National Technical University of Ukraine
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W. B. Hu
W. B. Hu
Wuhan University
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No. of Pages:
ASME Press
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Network attack graph was an important tool for network security analysis. With inefficient generating algorithm, previous attack graphs for network assessment and analysis were in large-scale. As building model more reasonably, a simple, flexible and efficient method to generate host-based attack graph was proposed. Based on the generated host-based attack graph, an approach of analyzing network security by using theory of iterative matrix was described. It is proved to be intuitive, efficient and accurate, as it describes the overall security situation of network and facilitates network security administrator to identify the key hosts.

1. Introduction
2. Algorithm of Host-Based Attack Graph Generation
3. Network Security Analysis Based on Host-Based Attack Graph
4. Network Security Analysis of Experimental Network
5. Conclusion
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