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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Information Technology and Computer Science, 3rd (ITCS 2011)
V. E. Muhin
V. E. Muhin
National Technical University of Ukraine
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W. B. Hu
W. B. Hu
Wuhan University
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No. of Pages:
ASME Press
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In this paper, we propose a novel scheme for asynchronous MIMO system, which is capable to reduce the error rate and improve the transmission performance in the asynchronous cooperative MIMO systems. The linear dispersion structure is employed to accommodate the cooperative wireless communication network in the dynamic topology of structure, as well as to achieve higher throughput than conventional space—time codes based on orthogonal designs. The LDPC encoder without girth-4 and the STBC encoder with guard intervals are respectively introduced. The experiment results show that the combined coder of LDPC-STBC can be the good error correcting coders and BER performance in the asynchronous cooperative communication.

I. Low-Density Parity-Check Codes
II. Cooperative Linear Dispersion Codes(CLDC)
III. Simulation Results
IV. Conclusion
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