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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology, 3rd (ICCET 2011)
Jianhong Zhou
Jianhong Zhou
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ASME Press
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Automatic modulation recognition plays an important role in both civil and military applications. A new algorithm is proposed for recognition of some classic satellite communication signals, including ASK, FSK, PSK and QAM. Eight feature parameters are extracted from the statistic moments which show a virtue of good performance and low computation complexity. It is showed in simulation results that the average ratio of success recognition achieves 98% when SNR equals to 1 dB. Compared with algorithm in [4], this algorithm exhibits better performance and more practicability.

Key Words
1 Introduction
2. Signal Model
3 Statistic Moment and Feature Parameter
4. The Flowchart of AMR
5. Simulation Results
6. Conclusion
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