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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology, 3rd (ICCET 2011)
Jianhong Zhou
Jianhong Zhou
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ASME Press
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In this paper we define a problem which is about the situation when a base station want to multicast video streaming to a large number of wireless users divided into several groups according to their SNR with scalable video coding(SVC), and application layer FEC&ARQ(Forward Error Correction and Automatic Repeat Request) to ensure the reliability in broadband wireless network. The problem aims to choose an appropriate PHY layer MCS (Modulation and Coding Scheme) for each video layer in each round of every group and determine the right resource allocation among multiple rounds. We prove the problem in one or more rounds is NP-hard and propose an optimal algorithm with pseudo-polynomial time which means the expectation utility of the designated receiver could be a generic non-negative, non-decreasing function of the received rate. To illustrate the advantage of our algorithm we introduce a greedy algorithm which has a good performance in one round to compare with our algorithm. Simulation results show that our optimal algorithm gets an even better performance than the greedy algorithm, especially in the scenarios with multiple rounds and multiple user groups with the limit of radio resources.

1. Introduction
2. Models and Problem Formulation
3. An Optimal Algorithm
4. A Greedy Algorithm
5 Performance Evaluation
6. Conclutions
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