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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology, 3rd (ICCET 2011)
Jianhong Zhou
Jianhong Zhou
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ASME Press
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Zimbabwe is a country in which there is no law that is specific to cybercrime. Due to this there is potential for a vast increase in cybercriminal activities which will go unpunished. The current statutes do are not comprehensive enough to cater for cybercrime happening in Zimbabwe and hence the need for a cybercrime law framework so as to keep the rise of cybercrime in Zimbabwe in check. The suggested guideline is to protect individuals as well as organizations from the prevailing computer-related crimes as well as computer-aided crimes.

1. Introduction
2. Cybercrime in Zimbabwe
3. Current Laws
4. Proposed Framework
5. Framework Contents
6. Enforcement
7. Conclusion
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