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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology, 3rd (ICCET 2011)
Jianhong Zhou
Jianhong Zhou
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ASME Press
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Model Based Testing (MBT) has gained a lot of prominence in recent times with organizations looking for automation of test case design and execution in lieu of a manual testing process. Attempts to automate the testing process have been carried out extensively before, at a black box level. There are no approaches that automate the test case generation at a white box level. White box testing requires the representation of business logic, close to the code. Activity diagrams in the software process are drawn at a higher abstraction level. So, to facilitate white box testing we propose a model that includes Method Level Activity Diagram (MAD) representing the business logic for each method. These diagrams are drawn from the sequence diagram and the requirement specification of a system. The activity graph is constructed for each Method Level Activity diagram. While automating the test case design at white box level, test case stubs for each of the independent paths in the activity graph are generated. Test case stubs are generated for all the methods of each class in the system. In this approach, the flows of activities in each path are embedded as comments in the test case stub corresponding to that path.

Key Words
1. Introduction
2. Related Work
3. Proposed Approach
4. Case Study
5. Conclusion and Future Work
6. References
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