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ASME Press Select Proceedings
Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet Technology and Security
Hao Xie
Hao Xie
Huazhong University of Science and Technology Mehmet OZKAN,
Sevilla University
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ASME Press
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Due to demand for information in asphalt pavement process management and advances in wireless network technology, this paper aims at integrating GPS and RFID technologies in an automated data collection system. First, the author reviewed the past research in the construction industry and then presented the supply chain in the asphalt pavement process. Next, he provided a prototype solution. Finally, a case study was conducted on automated data collection in asphalt pavement management. Keywords-GPS; RFID; construction management; automated data collection system.

I. Introduction
II. GPS and RFID Applications in Construction Industry
III. The Supply Chain of Asphalt Pavement
IV. Description of the Prototype Solution
V. Case Study: Automated Data Collection Process
VI. Conclusion and Future Work
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