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ASME Press Select Proceedings
Proceedings of the International Conference on Technology Management and Innovation
Hao Xie
Hao Xie
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ASME Press
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C2C is an important component of e-commerce. Under the C2C environment, one product can be found in many different online-stores in the same and different trading platforms. However, it is not the lowest- priced goods sell best as the prices of goods are open on the C2C platforms. Many prior researches have explored the factors influencing customer's trust on e-commerce and online-store, however, little research has paid on customer' trust on online-product. This paper from the aspect of trust explored the factors influencing customer's trust in online product under C2C environment by using regression analysis method. The results show that seller reputation, product information and website capability are the influence factors, and seller reputation is the main factor.

I. Introduction
II. Literature
III. Method
IV. result
V. Discussion and conclusion
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