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ASME Press Select Proceedings
Proceedings of the International Conference on Technology Management and Innovation
Hao Xie
Hao Xie
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ASME Press
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This article takes Xuanen County of Qingjiang valley as the study area; the author selected four terrain elements which include slop, aspect, amplitude of landforms and plan curvature as the evaluation factors, in order to use GIS and RS technology to achieve the landslide hazard information and analysis method that terrain factors are sensitive to the landslide hazard. Then using sensitivity coefficient and conditional probability model to analyze the sensitivity of the landslide hazard, through comparison the calculation results of the landslide susceptibility with investigation of landslide, contrasting the partition of two methods, the result shows that the sensitivity division area of this two methods is approximated, which brings a new thought to the prediction and evaluation of landslide hazard for the mid-small region, and has macroscopic decision significance for the hazard prevention and planning of the mid-small region.

I. Introduction
II. Research area survey
III. Research area survey
IV. Susceptibility analysis and Comparison of division Results
V. Conclusions
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