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ASME Press Select Proceedings
Proceedings of the International Conference on Technology Management and Innovation
Hao Xie
Hao Xie
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ASME Press
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China is mature in search engine market under the quick development of the e-commerce, and it has the greatest potential for growth of a world-scale internet economy. This paper analyzes the reason of search engine grows fleetly in E-Commerce applications in China, the main structure of Chinese search engine market, and the competition among search engines. Lastly I show the strategy that expresses the future development of Chinese search engine market, and then I give some advice for Chinese government. In this paper, I find that search engine will become the most active model in e-commerce, and there exists market monopoly.

I. Introduction
II. Search Engine in E-Commerce
III. Search engines Market Structure
IV. Search Engine Market Competition
V. Search Engine Market Strategy
VI. Conclusion
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