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ASME Press Select Proceedings
Proceedings of the International Conference on Technology Management and Innovation
Hao Xie
Hao Xie
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ASME Press
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When using the traditional solid mineral reserve calculating methods, such as Method of Geological Blocks, the Cross Section Method etc, not only will we get a loose result and a complicated calculation procedure, but also can we find that it's difficult to be realized by computer technology. The method of mineral reserve calculating in classical geo-statistics designed with two aims in mind. The first one, geared toward the end-user, is to provide an easy computer technology the second objective was to get both an accurate result and a quick calculating speed by using it. The text discusses the design procedure of mineral resources reserve calculation module by using method of inverse distance square and the method, result and procedure of the module function realization. It emphatically analyses the ways on how to calculate mineral reserve, visualize the result and collate the accuracy of the result under the dynamic range of the grade of Au pointed by users. Finally we evaluate the merits and shortages objectively. The new mineral calculating methods of IDS, can not only develop the accuracy of the result, decrease dependence of sharp of the mine and the kind of mine-controlled engineering, but also can get the stretch status of the mine through the Grade model in 3D space and visualize the result.

I. Introduction
II. Analysis on Mineral Reserve Calculating Methods
III. Mineral Reserves Evaluation by Ids
IV. Case Study
V. Accuracy Examination
VI. Conclusions
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