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ASME Press Select Proceedings
Proceedings of the International Conference on Technology Management and Innovation
Hao Xie
Hao Xie
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ASME Press
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Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) can provide impressive strategic, operational and information-related benefits to adopting enterprises. On the other side, failed implementation can often be a disaster. Presently, most of the researches about the failures and successes are based on reports on implementations in large enterprises. But ERP vendors are now steadily turning their marketing sights on Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. This paper makes an attempt in conceptualizing issues relating to ERP implementation in the Chinese context and addresses the criteria factors for assessing an enterprise's success or failure, and brings to light the potentiality of several factors pertinent to the current state of the Chinese business environment.

I. Introduction
II. Cost Consuming
III. The finance problem for SME
IV. ERP incompatibility with Organizational business processes
V. Enterprise's culture
VI. Human factors
VII. Vendor quality
VIII. Concluding
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