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ASME Press Select Proceedings
Proceedings of the International Conference on Technology Management and Innovation
Hao Xie
Hao Xie
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ASME Press
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Computer-aided FTA theory has been expounded. A new method using linked-list for fault tree qualitative analysis algorithm and applying transfer-event for the NP problem of fault tree quantitative analysis is presented in this paper. The transfer-event has been applied to solve the drawing and outputting of large-scale fault tree. Based on windows interface a design and implementation method of computer aided active FTA automatic constructing and drawing method was presented. By use of C++ language and VC6.0, a FTA system has been successfully developed for fault tree qualitative and quantitative analysis. Through testing by example of the lubrication oil pressure indication system it is confirmed that this system has advantages of friendly interface, convenience, memory-saving and rapidity.

I. Introduction
II. Automatic generation of fault tree
III. Qualitative analysis of FTA
IV. Quantitative analysis of FTA
V. an Application example and conclusion
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