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ASME Press Select Proceedings
Proceedings of the International Conference on Technology Management and Innovation
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ASME Press
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Sun, Q, & Tang, Y. "Comparative Study on Science and Technology Progress Status of Hunan Province: Based on the Data from 12 Regions in 2008." Proceedings of the International Conference on Technology Management and Innovation. Ed. Xie, H. ASME Press, 2010.
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This paper discusses the connotation about science and technology (S&T) progress indicators concerning with Hunan's development, after that it makes systematical analysis on S&T progress statues of different regions in Hunan Province using principle component analysis. Based on 2008 statistics, this paper gives factor comparison of different regions and finds out that Changsha, the capital of Hunan province, ranks first no matter its S&T input, S&T output, S&T as a factor for economic improvement or S&T as a factor for society's progress.
I. Science and Technology Progress Connotation and Its Indicator System
II. The Indicators Setting of Regional S&T Progress
III. Data Analysis
IV. Conclusion
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