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ASME Press Select Proceedings
Proceedings of the International Conference on Technology Management and Innovation
Hao Xie
Hao Xie
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ASME Press
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This paper presents an application of microscopic simulation technology in pre-signals control method which now is mainly used in the bus-priority and complex intersections. In this paper, the north entrance of the intersection is connected with two parts, a main road and a branch road. In the optimization organization projects vehicles both in the main road and the branch road were controlled by pre-signals and the vehicles in the main road have the priority in advance area. In order to validate this control method could play a positive role in improving the capacity of the intersection, the microscopic traffic simulation system Vissim 5.0 was used in contractive analysis. The result shows that many performance indexes, such as average travel time, average delay time, volume and average queue length have been greater improved.

I. Introduction
II. Traffic Status of the intersection
III. Improving method
IV. Data collection
V. Microscopic simulation and contractive analysis of all projects
VI. Conclusion
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