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ASME Press Select Proceedings
Intelligent Engineering Systems through Artificial Neural Networks, Volume 20
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ASME Press
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eBook Chapter
27 Parameter Estimation of the Duffing Oscillator Using Poincaré Map and an Elitist Genetic Algorithm
Issam Abu-Mahfouz
Issam Abu-Mahfouz
School of Science, Engineering and Technology
Penn State University at Harrisburg
Middletown, PA 17057
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Amit Banerjee
Amit Banerjee
School of Science, Engineering and Technology
Penn State University at Harrisburg
Middletown, PA 17057
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Abu-Mahfouz, I, & Banerjee, A. "Parameter Estimation of the Duffing Oscillator Using Poincaré Map and an Elitist Genetic Algorithm." Intelligent Engineering Systems through Artificial Neural Networks, Volume 20. Ed. Dagli, CH. ASME Press, 2010.
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This paper deals with unsupervised genetic algorithm based clustering in multidimensional parameter spaces for the non-linear Duffing dynamic system. Numerical integration of the governing differential equations provides the basis for the development of Poincaré maps which is used for automatic feature extraction and data clustering in the parameter space to distinguish regions of periodic behavior from chaotic regions. An elitist genetic algorithm is used to search the parameter space to optimize a combination of oscillator parameters.
Numerical Analysis
Results and Discussion
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