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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Optimization Design (ICOD 2010)
Xingkuan Wu
Xingkuan Wu
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Li Yu
Li Yu
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ASME Press
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The emergence of sports leisure parks is the inexorable trend of pursuing good quality of life. To satisfy the competition is one side of building a sports leisure park, what is more important is taking reuse into consideration, which attracts citizens do sports events in the park. Taking the landscape design of Red Lotus Lake water sports training base as an example, some features which need a full comprehension have been list as follow: participatory and cultural.

I. The Inevitability of Building Sports Leisure Park
II. The Diversity of Sports Leisure Park Function
III. The Topicality of Sports Leisure Park
IV. The Participation and Joviality of Creating Sports and Leisure Park
V. Plant Designs
VI. Conclusion
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