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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Optimization Design (ICOD 2010)
Xingkuan Wu
Xingkuan Wu
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Li Yu
Li Yu
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ASME Press
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Jingzhou city is also called Jiangling city, Jingzhou ancient circumvallation lasts the longest time, most dynasties and changes to be the only ancient walls developing from soil-made ones. It is the intact one among the few ancient circumvallation existing now in our country, and it is also the intact circumvallation in the middle reach of Yangtze River. It is famous both at home and abroad. On the base of protection, the relic protection and plan governor is confronted with the problems about how to update the conception of protection and usage, proceed to plan and design better, find more characteristics about its history and culture, play its comprehensive role fully, satisfy people's demand such as rest, travel, and culture education. This research makes an introduction about Jingzhou City Circumvallation Park and an analysis. Five communication such as protection and development, modern times and ancient times, inside and outside the city, upper areas and lower ones of the city, water and land are determined as plan principles.The circumvallation will be divided into core section, open section, buffering section and periphery. Aiming at different section the layout principle, layout target and specific measures will be researched differently. The vegetable slight is partitioned into two parts: the remained part and the new one. The new part is divided into Jingyuan chunhua, Fuhui xiayin, Churi qiushi, Shouze dongnuan, Sanyi garden, Tianwen lake. The detail design is made at last.

I. Introduction
II. the present situation and analysis
III. plan principles
IV. the planning division
V. vegetable sight division
VI. detail design
VII. conclusion
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