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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering, 4th (ICCAE 2012)
Jianhong Zhou
Jianhong Zhou
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ASME Press
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MIMO wireless technology has raise over the past few years as one engineering break through that has produced a keen interest in both academic and industry researches in communication. It provides high quality and efficient broadband services over wireless and mobile units. By exploiting diversity techniques, the information capacity of communication system can be significantly increased. Research has recently been focused on a set of codes that introduce special and temporal correlation into signal transmitted from multiple antennas to provide diversity and coding gain at the receiver. Such codes are called space — time codes. The paper represents space-time codes for MIMO wireless communication. Space-time codes employ redundancy to minimize the effect of fading, noise and interference. The computer simulation for Alamouti spacetime block code for two transmitters and one receiving antenna is shown.

1. Introduction
2. Space Time Block Coding
3. Simulations and Analysis
4. Conclusion
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