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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering, 4th (ICCAE 2012)
Jianhong Zhou
Jianhong Zhou
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ASME Press
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This article is on the CNTFET structure and to optimize power consumption and miniaturization of CNT based transistors as possible. The parameters of such structure and their impact on the on and off-current mode has been study to use in future construction of Low Operating Power circuits (LOP) , especially excitatory neurons in the brain cortex nerve (synthetic cortex). Our simulations implement in HSPICE environment and on the n - i - n CNTEFT. We have spice models to use CNTFET simulation [6].

1. Introduction
2. CNTFET Parameters Optimization
3. Scalin of Gate Length (LG)
4. The Effect of CNT Chirality (M,N)
5. The Effect of Gate Oxide Thickness (TOX)
6. The Effect of Gate Dielectric (K)
7. Excitatory Synapse Circuit
8. Summaries
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