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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering, 4th (ICCAE 2012)
Jianhong Zhou
Jianhong Zhou
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ASME Press
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There are various computing models that aim about higher degree of distributed and parallel processing. Computing paradigms like Grid Computing, Cloud Computing, and Distributed Computing are all in pursuit of higher degree of parallelism and scalability. The aim of each model is to realize a higher degree of performance with better efficiency and optimum resource utilization. The focus of the Grid down the years has been to bring about virtualization across platforms. In realizing virtualization over the grid, there is an issue of scalability that is often sacrificed. The paper is an attempt to realize the two. The paper introduces a new concept of incorporating the Event Driven Style of Computing into the Grid within a Virtualized environment.

1. Introduction
2. Grid Model of Computing
3. Virtualization in the Grid
4. Event Driven Model
5. Understanding the Event Driven Architecture
6. Putting It Together
7. Conclusion
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