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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering, 4th (ICACTE 2011)
Yi Xie
Yi Xie
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ASME Press
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This study developed a fuzzy multiple objectives programming model to determine the optimal fire station location. Three objectives, rescue efficiency, service fairness for different areas, and maximum quantity of repeatedly serviced residents, were used as objectives in the model. Fuzzy theory, multi-objective programming, location theory, and relevant fire control concerns were integrated into the model to establish the optimal fire station location. In the empirical study, we allocated the fire station location for a densely populated area in Taiwan — the east, west, north and central districts of Tainan City. The model generated high satisfaction result for the three objectives. Our model also produced better results in fire-rescue efficiency and districts fairness than the present fire station location of the above districts.

1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. Research Background and Assumptions
4. Model Development
5. Empirical Study
6. Conclusion
7. Reference
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