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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering, 4th (ICACTE 2011)
Yi Xie
Yi Xie
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ASME Press
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Wireless network characteristic is quite different from wired networks. It is more vulnerable to security disturbances. Furthermore, the convenience of the user in accessing network wirelessly could face the security risks against the intrusion of the possible Illegal Access Point (IAP), which is not legitimized and registered on a network. One of the serious problems is relating to the users who are not so aware and knowledgeable on how to protect themselves. A more proactive detection system to protect this kind of intrusion has become an important part in the development of Intrusion Detection System. This research aim is to develop a web based tool of proactive intrusion detection system to cover the weaknesses that exist in conventional Intrusion Detection System, especially in terms of protecting from the presence of illegal access point device. Using Proactive Protection tool with Web-based Applications on the server side could be benefit for the users to easily detect the presence of IAP without involving a network administrator.

1. Introduction
2. Threat to Wireless Network
3. Illegal Access Point (IAP) Prevention Tool Design
4. Implementation and Testing
5. Summaries
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