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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Computer and Computer Intelligence (ICCCI 2011)
Yi Xie
Yi Xie
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ASME Press
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In the area of Wireless Sensor Networks, the maximization of network life is a critical issue. In the newly-emerging Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network, the high volume of sensed audio and video data needs to be compressed before transmission. There exists a tradeoff between the power consumptions of data compression and data transmission. Thus, how to reach an optimized balance between compression and transmission and maximize network life becomes a challenging research issue. In this research, we propose mathematical models which describe power consumptions of data compression and transmission of sensor nodes in hexagon-shaped clusters. Under the proposed model, we have achieved the optimized data compression rate which can minimize the overall power consumption of the whole cluster. The subdivision yields considerable saving in overall power consumption of the cluster, and the saving is heavily dependent on the nodes' transmission range and their deployment density.

1. Introduction
2. Network and Cluster Model
3.Power Consumption Models for Compression and Communication
4. The Optimal Compression Rate for Power
5. Conclusion and Future Work
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