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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Computer and Computer Intelligence (ICCCI 2011)
Yi Xie
Yi Xie
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ASME Press
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The paper indicates problems with fund raising as for country health care, small and medium-sized enterprises, rural social endowment insurance and so on, groundbreaking to normalizes and structuralizes it to a multi-game problem. Makes analysis about Nash equilibrium strategy and equilibrium solution of this multi-game model, gets some important value results. It has a significance value and has a important instructive for lay down fund raising policy; in addition, the paper analysis and research fund raising with game theory breakthrough, and it also a contribution about finance game theory. At last, the paper makes actually test, give a good explains about rationality and scientific of the paper.

1. Introduction
2. Multi-Game Model of Fund Raising
3. Multi-Game Model's Standardization Expression of Fund Raising
4. Multi-Game Model's Design of Raising Fund and Equilibrium Strategy
5. Fundamental Suggests to Policy Making in China Country Medical Insurance Business
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