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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Computer and Computer Intelligence (ICCCI 2011)
Yi Xie
Yi Xie
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ASME Press
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The load distribution is the core of the rolling schedule pre-calculation. The reasonable load distribution can bring the mill production capacity into full play, stabilize the production process and improve the quality of products. The distribution based on the targeted proportion is one of the most important distribution methods, and its mathematical model is essentially solving the nonlinear equation sets. In this paper, the authors make a comparative analysis on the representative algorithms at home and abroad, and hence put forward a new algorithm—an improved Newton's method. This algorithm not only has the good convergence feature of the Newton's method, and also can prevent the solution of Acobian inverse matrix. Through the simulation results, the calculation speed is quite quick, and the accuracy is relatively high, so it can meet the online requirements.

Key Words
1. Load Distribution Model Based on the Targeted Proportion
2. Algorithm Inductive Analysis
3. The Analysis on the Simulation Results
4. Conclusion
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