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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Computer and Computer Intelligence (ICCCI 2011)
Yi Xie
Yi Xie
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ASME Press
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Along with the network and digital of the information technology, the construction of microteaching environment comes into the digital stage, and some new teaching modes of microteaching also appear. But the evaluation of microteaching becomes behind the step of digital stage. The interactive evaluation of Moodle platform has Diversified Instructional Assessment activity, and then can be used to the web microteaching evaluation. By using the interactive evaluation of Moodle platform, the proper evaluation activity and reasonable blended teaching can solve some problems of traditional microteaching, such as lack of time and equipment, and then cause the reform of microteaching.

1. Microteaching Skill Evaluation and its Evaluating Method
2. Moodle Interactive Assessment Function
3. Apply the Interactive Assessment to Carry Out the Microteaching Skill Evaluation on the Network
4. Conclusions
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