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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Computer and Computer Intelligence (ICCCI 2011)
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ASME Press
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eBook Chapter
28 A Hybrid Improving Schema between ID3 Algorithms and Naive Bayes Classifiers and Its Application to the Population Database of Breast Cancer
Elias D. Nino
Elias D. Nino
Assistant Professor,
Universidad del Norte
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Nieto B. Wilson
Nieto B. Wilson
Assistant Professor,
Universidad del Norte
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Carlos Riascos
Carlos Riascos
Universidad del Norte
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Page Count:
Nino, ED, Wilson, NB, & Riascos, C. "A Hybrid Improving Schema between ID3 Algorithms and Naive Bayes Classifiers and Its Application to the Population Database of Breast Cancer." International Conference on Computer and Computer Intelligence (ICCCI 2011). Ed. Xie, Y. ASME Press, 2011.
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Analyzed the principles of the ID3 algorithm, this creates rules based on the concepts of entropy and gain with prepared data set. On the other hand, na1ve Bayes classifier, allow us to classify through of the prepared data set considered probabilistic evidence. We propose a hybrid schema based on the ID3 algorithm and the na1ve Bayes classifier that let us to improve the accuracy in classification tasks. We believe that this may be useful in many types of applications, so this schema serve as a support tool for research as a way to make decisions. Finally, we use experiment to prove that the hybrid schema increase the accuracy being applied to population databases of breast cancer.
Key Words
1 Introduction
2. General Description of the ID3 Algorithm
3 General Description of the Na1ve Bayes Classifier
4. Hybrid Schema between ID3 Algorithm and Na1ve Bayes Classifier
5. Experimental Result of the Analysis of the Schema G
6. Summaries
7. Acknowledgment
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