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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Computer and Computer Intelligence (ICCCI 2011)
Yi Xie
Yi Xie
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ASME Press
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In the paper, adjoint-based error estimation and grid adaptation is presented; the procedure is based on adjoint formulation in which the estimated error in the functional can be directly related to the local residual errors of both the primal and adjoint solutions. This relationship allows local error contributions to be used as indicators in a grid adaptive method designed to produce specially tuned grid for accurately estimating the chosen functional. The method involves estimating the error in the coarse-grid functional with respect to its value on an embedded, globally-refined fine grid. The adaptive algorithm strives to improve the quality of the aforementioned error estimate by attempting to reduce and equi-distribute the remaining error in the functional after correction. Numerical example of DLR M6 wing will indicate that adjointbased grid adaptation produce near optimal grid, and observably improve the accuracy of integral output function of interest. On the other hand, this approach could estimate the functional outputs of flow analysis with the same accuracy using a uniform refinement, Therefore this approach could reduce the cost that users of CFD have to know much information of their analyzing phenomena, and ultimately could remove the dependence on skills of users.

1. Introduction
2. Methodology
3. Flow Equations and Adjoint Equations
4. Numerical Examples
5. Conclusion
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