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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Computer and Electrical Engineering 4th (ICCEE 2011)
Jianhong Zhou
Jianhong Zhou
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ASME Press
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Most of present single microphone speech enhancement algorithms are efficiently used for additive noise but not very good for convolutive noise as reverberation. And even for additive noise, the estimation of noise, when only one microphone source is provided, is based on the assumption of a slowly varying noise environment, commonly assumed as stationary noise. However, real noise is non-stationary noise, which difficult to be efficiently estimated. Spectral conversion can be used for predicting the vocal tract (spectral envelope) parameters of noisy speech without estimating the parameters of the noise source. Therefore, it can be applied to a general speech enhancement model, for both stationary and non-stationary additive noise environment, as well as convolutive noise environment, when only one microphone source is provided. In this paper, we propose a spectral conversion based speech enhancement method. The experimental results show that our method is a promising method and need to be further studied.

Key Words
1. Introduction
2. LP-Based Model for Noisy Speech Enhancement
3. The GMM-Based Spectral Conversion
4. Implementation and Evaluations
6. Conclusion
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