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ASME Press Select Proceedings
Geological Engineering: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference (ICGE 2007)
Baosong Ma
Baosong Ma
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ASME Press
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As a new bracing structure, the double-row anti-sliding piles based on spatial framework structure, which have the advantages of less displacement in the top of the piles and large anti-force, are developed as a new retaining structure, and can be used to reduce the piles deformation. However, the previous calculation models of double-row piles ignored the deformation coordination action between linking beams and ring beams, the interaction between piles and beams. Further more the calculation results based on the models are not accurate enough. In this paper, a spatial force model of the double-row anti-sliding pile is presented. Taking double-row anti-sliding pile as a single-layer multi-span frame affected by piles, beams and soils, the spatial synergic interaction between top ring beam and linking beam, as well as the affection of soil-arch on the frame are analyzed. The horizontal displacement in front of the double-row anti-sliding pile and distribution of axial force and moment of piles are studied by finite element method. The results reflect commendably the stress and distortion character of the double-row anti-sliding pile. Finally, some rules about the pile-beam-soil interaction in the pile structure are summarized.

Engineering Geological Investigation and Solution Method
Numerical Simulation Model and Methods
Analysis of Numerical Simulation Results
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