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ASME Press Select Proceedings
Geological Engineering: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference (ICGE 2007)
Baosong Ma
Baosong Ma
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ASME Press
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Based on Biot consolidation theory of saturated soil, the behavior of a stratified saturated soil foundation during dynamic consolidation was analyzed using finite element analysis software - ADINA. The double linear elastic-plasticity constitutive model and the simplified load model were considered in the project. The deformation of soil skeleton and the pore water pressure were treated as the coupling variables. The procedure of single-point and single-time impacting was simulated. The dynamic response analysis was provided with the distribution of the displacement, stress and excess pore water pressure of the system in time domain. The results of calculation show that a deep crater is formed on the surface subjected to load, however slightly the surface surrounding the crater rises. The peak stress, peak deformation and peak pore water pressure attenuate with the increase of depth, and delay too for the above first two variables. The stress, deformation and pore water pressure also attenuate with the increase of radial distance to the impact center, and the attenuations are very sharp. The consistency between the computation results and the other research data is obtained. The research implies Adina is an effective means in numerical simulation of saturated soil foundation improvement by dynamic consolidation.

Soil Model and Dynamic Consolidation Parameters
Coupled Equation
Finite Element Analysis Model
Computation Results and Discussion
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