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ASME Press Select Proceedings
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment & Management (PSAM)
Michael G. Stamatelatos
Michael G. Stamatelatos
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Harold S. Blackman
Harold S. Blackman
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No. of Pages:
ASME Press
Publication date:

The topicality of this work is based on two aspects. First, the problems of hazard identification, assessment and prevention are relevant worldwide due to the growing concentration of hazardous materials, increasing complexity of technological processes in which hazardous materials, very high pressures and temperatures are used, intensifying flows of transportation and information on the one hand and new safety requirements and standards on the other.

The second factor is that in the resent years in Lithuanian roads a considerable amount of hazard materials is transported, especially oil products. However, there is no common methodology, which could assess the risk of such transport. Lithuania has accepted directives, norms and other acts of law related to risk and hazard assessment and prevention that are valid in the European Union. In relation to that hazard assessment and analysis has even greater significance.

The novelty of the work is associated with employing Markov process to describe hazard distribution mechanism and to determine limited hazard distribution in the nodes of networks.

Definitions of Hazards, Flows and Other Concepts
Additive Hazard Distribution in the Network
The Main Results and Conclusions
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