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ASME Press Select Proceedings
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment & Management (PSAM)
Michael G. Stamatelatos
Michael G. Stamatelatos
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Harold S. Blackman
Harold S. Blackman
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No. of Pages:
ASME Press
Publication date:

An advanced method for assessing dynamic safety of nuclear power plants is introduced and applied. The commercial software, VENtana SIMulation environment, VENSIM, is used to develop a dynamics model for an example system. In this study the 18-month refuel cycle is simulated for the dynamic analysis. The failure rate when the plant is a zero power like maintenance, test, and refueling processes, which are not properly modeled in conventional method using event/fault trees, is higher than that of the full power. This also means the human failure rate during both standby and shutdown operation is higher than that of normal operations. Various time steps are applied for the different failure cases. The simulation results show that the common cause failure is much affected by the time step process. The results also include the dynamic simulation for the standby-running and shutdown-running cases. The graphical presentation has been easily modeled by a unique graphic designed method incorporated in the VENSIM. The diagrams well understood by operators or system analysts are constructed and evaluated quantitatively using system dynamics.

I. Introduction
II. Modeling Methods
III. Results
IV. Conclusions
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