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ASME Press Select Proceedings
International Conference on Electronics, Information and Communication Engineering (EICE 2012)
Garry Lee
Garry Lee
Information Engineering Research Institute
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ASME Press
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With the rapid economic growth of china, the issue of national petroleum supplyment security is increasingly focused on and many evaluation methods were used to analyze this problem. In this paper, the method of nonlinear fuzzy was applied to evaluate the security of national petroleum supplyment. Compared with tradition linear fuzzy method, nonlinear method takes into account the particular impact of special factors on evaluation result and promote the validity and rationality of the evaluation. The factors which can influence the security of petroleum resource were analyzed and divided into four classes to establish the factors' evaluation system. Then, the weight and special impact factors were determined. At last, comprehensive evaluation were made by using the concept of AHP method, the evaluation result shows that the security of national petroleum supplyment is dangerous. We need to improve strategic petroleum reserve especially.

The Nonlinear Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method
Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Model
The Analysis of Evaluation Factor
The Analysis of Evaluation Set
The Method of Nonlinear Fuzzy Evaluation
Ascertain Prominent Influence Coefficient Vector
Ascertain the Membership Degree
Ascertain the Weight
Basic Survey
The Evaluation Process and Result
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