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Fluid Mechanics, Water Hammer, Dynamic Stresses, and Piping Design
R. Leishear
R. Leishear
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ASME Press
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Fluid transients in liquid-filled systems and steam condensate systems are a focus of this text, and a brief overview of fluid transient mechanisms is first warranted. Parmakian [172] provided a discussion of dated graphic techniques. Although thousands of papers on water hammer are available, Wylie and Streeter [173] provide comprehensive references describing theory, experiments, computer programs, and calculation techniques for fluid transients for pumps, valves, turbines, liquids, vapors, and gases. Moody [174] provided thermal and fluid transient theory. Chaudry [175] provided a thorough discussion of calculation techniques and numerous examples of water hammer in liquid-filled systems. Larock et al [176] provided computer programs and derivations of equations for water hammer, as well as steady-state fluid flow for pipe systems. Popescu et al [177] provided discussions of transients and calculation techniques for hydroelectric power plants. Popescu cited many accidents and provides a comprehensive discussion of fluid transients as they affected power-generation facilities. A recent review of theory provides an extensive list of references for water hammer (Ghidaoui [178]). Wiggert and Tijsseling [179] also provided a summary of theory with numerous references. For a comprehensive understanding of fluid transient theory, the reader is referred to these works, since a comprehensive understanding of the mathematical development of theory is required to prevent misapplication of that theory. This text only provides a broad overview of several fluid transient mechanisms, or causes, which affect pipe system response and damages.

5.1 Slug Flow During System Startup
5.2 Draw Down of Systems
5.3 Fluid Transients Due to Flow Rate Changes
5.4 Types of Fluid Transient Models for Valve Closure
5.5 Rigid Water Column Theory
5.6 Shock Waves in Piping
5.7 Uncertainty of the Water Hammer Equation
5.8 Computer Simulations/Method of Characteristics
5.9 Valve Actuation
5.10 Reflected Shock Waves
5.11 Reflected Waves in a Dead-End Pipe
5.12 Series Pipes and Transitions in Pipe Material
5.13 Parallel Pipes/Intersections
5.14 Centrifugal Pump Operation During Transients
5.15 Column Separation and Vapor Collapse
5.16 Positive Displacement Pumps
5.17 Effect of Trapped Air Pockets on Fluid Transients
5.18 Additional Corrective Actions for Fluid Transients
5.19 Summary of Fluid Transients in Liquid-Filled Systems
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