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Air Engines: The History, Science, and Reality of the Perfect Engine
Theodor Finkelstein
Theodor Finkelstein
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Allan J. Organ
Allan J. Organ
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ASME Press
Publication date:

For the understanding of cycle thermodynamics and of the technology of construction, the period from the mid-1960s to the mid-1980s was essentially one of consolidation. Rapid advances in computing capacity encouraged the development of ambitious simulations of the gas process cycle. With the notable exception of a contribution by Miyabe et al. (1982), however, study of the regenerator continued in isolation and without impact on Stirling engine design.

The era saw a number of new embodiments. The free-piston variant was invented (Finkelstein 1963a, b, 1964). West (1970) proposed the liquid-piston or Fluidyne engine. Bradley (1974) demonstrated an engine operating from a low-temperature source, possibly the first of a type to become known as the ‘Low ΔT’ genre.

9.1 Summary
9.2 The free-piston engine
9.3 The fluidyne
9.4 The Low ΔT variant
9.5 The era of the computer
9.6 Further advances by Philips
9.7 Two UK initiatives
9.8 More on similarity and scaling
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