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Heat Exchanger Engineering Techniques
Michael J. Nee
Michael J. Nee
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ASME Press
Publication date:

The heat exchanger engineer's work includes selecting equipment for numerous kinds of applications or to accommodate various conditions:

1. For new installations, the task is to select some basic equipment to provide heating or cooling. In this instance, the engineer chooses among shell-and-tube units, air coolers, double-pipe units, plate exchangers, and other designs.

2. The exchanger's size may have to be increased to accommodate a plant expansion. New units in series or parallel may be needed to meet the new conditions. Other options are:

a. Replace a shell-and-tube bundle with another having a different size tube, bare or finned, on a new spacing. This usually requires a redesign of tube-side passes.

b. Furnish new bundles using a different fin material, height, and spacing.

c. Increase the number of plates in plate exchangers.

d. Add double-pipe units in series or parallel or change their elements.

1.1 The Selection of Exchangers
1.2 Personnel Involved in Identifying Requirements
1.3 Requirements by Application
1.4 Problems Due to a Missing Requirement
1.5 Requirements That Define What Is and What Is Not Wanted
1.6 Requirements for Fluid Properties
1.7 Summary of Problem Areas
1.8 Cleaning and Fouling
1.9 Contract Requirements between Seller and Buyer
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