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Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing Handbook: Applications, Analysis & Measurement
James D. Meadows
James D. Meadows
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No. of Pages:
ASME Press
Publication date:

Readers will learn:

1. The 14 geometric characteristic symbols, the 5 categories they fall within (form, orientation, profile, runout and location), when material condition symbols may be used and when datum references are allowed.

2. A variety of symbols that are used on design drawings to replace words.

3. What a basic dimension is.

4. Rule 1, implied RFS and RMB, formulas for calculating mating part tolerances, how to calculate a virtual condition (MMC and MMB Concept), selection of datum features criteria and what MMC, LMC, MMB and LMB stand for.

5. What geometric characteristic symbols are used on planar surfaces, what each tolerances and how each compares to the others in power and versatility.

6. What geometric characteristic symbols are used on round surfaces, what each tolerances and how each compares to the others in power and versatility.

7. The types of geometric controls and what they are used to control.

8. Rules for displaying tolerances in millimeters, inches, angular units, radii, statistically calculated tolerances, measurement compliance temperature, part restraint and insignificant zeros.

-Geometric Characteristics
-New Symbols
-Old Symbols, New Meanings
-Charts-Food Chains of Symbology
-A Few Basic Definitions, Formulas and Guidelines
-New Rule Regarding the Use of Regardless of Feature Size
-Maximum Material Boundary, Least Material Boundary and Regardless of Material Boundary
-Actual Minimum Material Envelope vs. Actual Mating Envelope
-Flatness of the Derived Median Plane
-Types of Controls
-General Rules for Tolerances
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