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Effective Innovation: The Development of Winning Technologies
Don Clausing
Don Clausing
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Victor Fey
Victor Fey
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ASME Press
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Concept selection is used to choose the high-potential concepts for further development. This is done whenever continued development of all of the available concepts would cost too much time and/or money. The easy approach is to continue the development of all promising concepts until they are fully developed, after which we can make fully informed selections. However, this usually requires too many resources: time, people, and money. In order to efficiently invest our resources, we make selections before concepts are fully developed. Then we only proceed with the most promising concept, or top two or three concepts if that is affordable: The many concepts that are often developed by the application of TRIZ can be compared, and only the one or two most promising are selected for further development. The tried-and-true approach is the Pugh Concept Selection Process.

Pugh Concept Selection (and Generation)
Step 1—Choose Criteria
Step 2—Form the Matrix
Step 3—Clarify the Concepts
Step 4—Choose the Datum Concept
Step 5—Run the Matrix
Step 6—Evaluate the Ratings
Step 7—Attack the Negatives and Enhance the Positives
Step 8—New Datum—Rerun the Matrix
Step 9—Plan Further Work
Step 10—Iterate to the Winning Concept
Applications of the Pugh Concept Selection Process
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