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Companion Guide to the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Volume 3, Second Edition: Criteria and Commentary on Select Aspects of the Boiler & Pressure Vessel and Piping Codes

K. R. Rao
K. R. Rao
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ASME Press
Publication date:

This entirely new Volume 3 contains chapters on Current Issues of B&PV Codes, including the new ASME Section XII, International Codes & Standards related to B&PV Codes, and on-going issues of Public Safety. Organized to provide the technical professional with ready access to practical solutions, this revised, three-volume, 2,100-page second edition brings to life essential ASME Codes with authoritative commentary, examples, explanatory text, tables, graphics, references, and annotated bibliographic notes. This new edition has been fully updated to the current 2004 Code, except where specifically noted in the text.

Gaining insights from the 78 contributors with professional expertise in the full range of pressure vessel and piping technologies, you find answers to your questions concerning the twelve sections of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, as well as the B31.1 and B31.3 Piping Codes. In addition, you find useful examinations of special topics including rules for accreditation and certification; perspective on cyclic, impact, and dynamic loads; functionality and operability criteria; fluids; pipe vibration; stress intensification factors, stress indices, and flexibility factors; code design and evaluation for cyclic loading; and bolted-flange joints and connections.

Table of Contents

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