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Energy, Technology, and the Environment
Paul Ih-Fei Liu
Paul Ih-Fei Liu
Doctor of Engineering,
Technical University of Munich
Former lecturer at
University of Southern California
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ASME Press
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The burning of fossil fuels is an abrupt reaction of fossil fuel chemical elements (C, S, H, N) with oxygen in the surrounding air. Of special concern is the NOx-emission from the burning of coal and fuel oils, especially the hazardous emissions from diesel fuel burning. This chapter discusses NOx formation, boiler NOx reduction, diesel fuel hazardous emission control and alternatives, and NOx control of internal combustion (IC) engines. Numerical calculations on gaseous fuel thermodynamic state, natural gas and coal combustions, and steam power are also presented.

NOx Formation
Boiler NOx Reduction
Internal Combustion Engine Emission Control
Numerical Examples
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